Guns of Icarus Online Wiki
Weapons Light Weapons
Weapon Types ‣ Raycast Weapons ‣ Carronades
Barking Dog Light Carronade

Barking Dog Light Carronade
Gun Statistics
Class: Carronade
Direct Damage per shot: 96 Flechette (6 per projectile)
Burst Damage per shot: 144 Shatter (9 per projectile)
Direct Damage per magazine: 480 Flechette
Burst Damage per magazine: 720 Shatter
Burst Radius: 0 meters
Effective Vs: Balloon, Guns, Engines
Rate of Fire: 1.1 shots/s
Delay between shots: 0.91 seconds
Unload Time: 3.64 seconds
Reload Time: 6 seconds
Magazine Capacity: 5
Projectile Speed: 600 m/s
Range: 375 meters
Buckshots: 16 projectiles
Jitter: 5 deg
Spread radius at Max Range: 33 meters
Size: Light
Movement and Arcs
Horizontal Angles: 55 deg Left; 55 deg Right
Vertical Angles: 40 deg Up; 15 deg Down
Horizontal Turn: 100 deg/s
Vertical Turn: 80 deg/s
Zoom Level: 1.3x
Fires a wide shotgun burst of shredding projectiles at close range.

Wilson's Notes

A smaller, single-barrelled version of the Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade, the Barking Dog Light Carronade fires a wide shotgun burst of shredding projectiles at close range in fairly rapid succession before needing to reload. As with the larger version, it's highly effective against the balloon due to its Flechette damage type, however, not particularly damaging against hull. Due to this weapon also dealing secondary shatter damage, it is also effective against weapons and engines.

Common Tactics

Although Barking Dog Light Carronade doesn't have the power Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade of momentary destruction of the balloon, it still has considerable power when used properly. It can't destroy a balloon with full health with the single clip of default rounds(one more hit required), but Dynabuff Industries Kit can increase the damage to the required level. With Heavy Clip loaded, or at extremely close range, it can snipe all Light Guns with one shot and Heavy Guns and engines with two shots.

The light carronade has a wide field of usage. It can be used as support gun (e.g. port side mount of Pyramidion) or as a main gun on Mobula, Junker or Pyramidions. It is a first class disable/harass short range light gun, and can be used aggressively by destroying balloons or defensively by destroying the enemy's guns. It pairs well with other disable and/or armor stripping guns like the Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower, Artemis Light Rocket Launcher and Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun. Those combinations are usually paired with a third Explosive gun or the Pilot rams the enemy into the ground (Pyramidion) to provide permanent hull damage, due to the lack of explosive type in all of those combinations of guns.

The carronade's weakness is its poor down-arc, although the light version still has a larger angle than the heavy carronade.

Commonly Used Ammunition

Heavy Clip

  • The reduced jitter effect from Heavy Clip makes all buckshots hit closing together - achieving maximum damage at a smaller area. Strongly recommend for sniping of components. Allows to maximize effective range.
  • Decreased rate of fire.

Greased Rounds

  • Maximized DPS.
  • Reduced maximum range to 260 meters.
  • Clip sized increased to 6 shots.

Incendiary Rounds

  • Average of 25.6 fire stacks per clip.
  • Reduced maximum range to 227.5 meters.
  • Decreased rate of fire.

Update history

Balance Update 17.11.2023

  • Range: 325m -> 375m
  • Fire rate: 1.0 -> 1.1
  • Up arc: 30 -> 40
Guns of Icarus Online Wikia Content
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Weapon Types
Particle Weapons‎
Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower
Projectile Weapons‎
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Scylla Double-Barreled MortarLumberjack Heavy Mortar
Rocket Launchers
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Beacon Flare GunHades Light CannonJavelin Light Harpoon GunMercury Field GunPhobos Mine Launcher

Raycast Weapons‎
Barking Dog Light CarronadeHellhound Heavy Twin Carronade

Aten Laser Mk. SWhirlwind Light Gatling GunMinotaur Heavy Cannon

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