Enemies ‣ Chaladonian Vanquisher
The Vanquisher is the boss ship of the Order of Chaladon.
The Ship
The Order of Chaladon's scientists are exceptional at producing the impossible. The vessel known as the Shrike is one of the lightest ships in the skies capable of hauling two heavy weapons. The capital ships are equally as bizzare.
The Vanquisher is the giant of the Order of Chaladons army. At a width of over 200 meters from bow to stern, this ship requires between 15 to 20 scientists to keep the vessel functional. With 4 capital engines, the vessel is capable of moving at a sustained airspeed of 39.8 meters per second.
Known for making exceptional biological weapons, the vanquisher boasts a large Markara Breath Mortar - a powerful gas mortar which can disable all components of the victims caught in the green gas. Be sure to equip a gas or spore mask when venturing into Chaladon territory.
Other weapons include:
- Two Enhanced Hades Cannons
- Two Enhanced Flamethrowers