Factions ‣ Order of Chaladon
The Order of Chaladon is an isolationist society devoted to protecting and living in harmony with nature. They live far in the east on the Isles of Chaladon, which is said to be a tropical paradise of gardens where food is always abundant. While all other civilisations are trying to shape the environment to suit their needs, the Chaladonians adopt themselves to fit into the environment.
Those Chaladonians who do not work in the gardens venture in science, developing new techniques to use the resources of nature in an environment friendly way or exploring the still impressive variety of flora and fauna. Some of the explorers, who travelled to distant lands to study exotic biomes, come back with grave news about the state of the world outside the borders of Chaladon and the ignorance of the other factions. It's clear to the Chaladonian leadership that there is only one way to save the world: To annihilate all those who are destroying it.
It wasn't before a visit of a Fjord airship in a Chaladonian port that the genious Chaladonian shipwright Isaac Philips managed to reverse engineer the ship only from his observations and build the first working Chaladonian airship. While being one of the latest factions to develop airships, the Chaladonians could put their decades of study to good use by adopting many designs of nature for their own ship and weapon designs, most notably seen in the Squid, the Shrike, and the Kalakuta Gas Mortar.