Guns of Icarus Online Wiki

Weapons Heavy Weapons Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator Mk. S
Launches a volley of 6 slow-moving projectiles that will instantly detonate with double damage when Secondary Fire is pressed. Direct hits to balloon will do double Flechette damage without detonation. Practice detonating just after the projectiles start lighting up the target.

Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator Mk. S is a single-shot weapon that fires a bunch of slow, deep arcing explosive projectiles. High Explosive damage from a single shot paired with fast fire reload rate makes this gun an extremely powerful close range finisher once enemy armor is destroyed. But if compared to another explosive guns, fact of apply all amount on explosive damage on significant area let this gun have a significant disable ability.

In terms of the weapons mechanics, it is more similar to the Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator Mk. II PvE version, rather than the Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator.

Roaring Tiger Heavy Detonator Mk. S
Gun Statistics
Direct Damage per shot: 40 Flechette (8 per projectile)
Burst Damage per shot: 170 Explosive (34 per projectile)
Direct Damage per magazine: 40 Flechette
Burst Damage per magazine: 170 Explosive
Burst Radius: 20 meters
Arming Time: 0.2 seconds
Arming Range: 30 meters
Effective Vs: Balloon, Hull
Rate of Fire: 0.5 shots/s
Delay between shots: 2 seconds
Unload Time: 0 seconds
Reload Time: 5 seconds
Magazine Capacity: 1
Projectile Speed: 150 m/s
Range: 300 meters
Shell Drop: 2 m/s²
Buckshots: 5 projectiles
Jitter: 6 deg
Spread radius at Max Range: 31 meters
Size: Heavy
Movement and Arcs
Horizontal Angles: 50 deg Left; 50 deg Right
Vertical Angles: 30 deg Up; 30 deg Down
Horizontal Turn: 80 deg/s
Vertical Turn: 85 deg/s
Zoom Level: N/Ax
Additional Info
  • Do 2 detonate when triggered, otherwise detonate once, explosion interval: 0.1s
  • 4% chance to apply 1 fire stack on AoE hit

Common Tactics

The Detonator Mk. S is highly effective against hull and has an almost insignificant arming time. It can destroy number of ships types at close range with one shot (especially with Charged Rounds) without giving the Engineers a chance to rebuild the armor in time. Total damage is slightly above the damage from a single shot from the Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon Mk. II.

The gun has a short maximum range and is also, and more of, due to its shell drop, low projectile speed and high spread of projectile, quite hard to shoot at it maximum range.

Like others kill weapons, the Detonator Mk. S requires an exposed hull to cause damage to it. Due to the guns limited range, the Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun is the most commonly paired with Detonator Mk. S among Piercing weapons.

Even the best single shot from the Detonator Mk. S can't compare to of Manticore Heavy Hwacha in regards to the disable effectivity, but after couple of well aimed shots, it can provide one of most devastating continuous lock to mechanical components, due to it short reload time, which will combine with medium pressure to armor and balloon.

The key factor to effectively using the Detonator Mk. S is using the detonate function at all times while shooting, only this can activate double amount of both Direct and Burst damage, spread over an AoE. In the case of direct target hit second part of Burst damage will be just lost and Direct damage will apply only to one component.

Commonly Used Ammunition

Multiple ammunition choices can improve different aspects of this gun.

Charged Rounds

  • Increased damage per shot by 30%.
  • Increased projectile speed and reduced spread.
  • Doesn't get any penalty to clip size or fire rate due to single-loaded.
  • Overall a better alternative to normal rounds, due to lack of drawbacks.

Incendiary Rounds

  • Combination of multiple projectile, double hit and huge AoE gives high chances to set fire stacks.
  • Reduced projectile speed cuts the range but allows to shoot more under downward arc.

Lesmok Rounds

  • Increased range from 300 meters to 510 meters.
  • Doesn't get any penalty to clip size due to single-loaded.

Burst Rounds

  • Less experienced gunners may prefer this type of ammunition because it makes choosing the right moment for detonation easier.

Extended Magazine

Update history

2.0.17 Summer Update: Colors of the Wind

Multiple statistics changes move gun to category of kill weapon.

October 2019 hotfix

Decreasing the damage of gun, decreasing the number of projectiles from 7 to 6.

30.05.2023 Balance Update

  • Base fire chance: 0%/0% -> 0%/10%
  • Projectile speed: 125 -> 150
  • Reduced projectile lifetime (range stays at 300m)
  • Side arcs: 30 -> 50
  • Down arc: 15 -> 30
  • Horizontal turn speed: 60 -> 80
  • Vertical turn speed: 65 -> 85

09.06.2023 Balance Update

Reduced the effectiveness of the detonator in mass disabling components, particularly with incendiary rounds. Note: the AOE radius was accidentally left on 30m for the past 9 days, when it's supposed to be 20m.

  • Base fire chance: 0%/10% -> 0%/4%
  • Damage: 7/28 -> 8/34
  • Projectiles: 6 -> 5
  • Jitter: 8 -> 6
Guns of Icarus Online Wikia Content
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Light Weapons Artemis Light Rocket LauncherAten Laser Mk. SBanshee Light Rocket CarouselBarking Dog Light CarronadeBeacon Flare GunDragon Tongue Light FlamethrowerEchidna Light Flak CannonHades Light CannonJavelin Light Harpoon GunMercury Field GunPhobos Mine LauncherScylla Double-Barreled MortarWhirlwind Light Gatling GunSeraph Tempest Missile Launcher Mk. S
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Weapon Types
Particle Weapons‎
Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower
Projectile Weapons‎
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Scylla Double-Barreled MortarLumberjack Heavy Mortar
Rocket Launchers
Artemis Light Rocket LauncherBanshee Light Rocket CarouselManticore Heavy Hwacha

Beacon Flare GunHades Light CannonJavelin Light Harpoon GunMercury Field GunPhobos Mine Launcher

Raycast Weapons‎
Barking Dog Light CarronadeHellhound Heavy Twin Carronade

Aten Laser Mk. SWhirlwind Light Gatling GunMinotaur Heavy Cannon

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