Guns of Icarus Online Wiki
Weapons Heavy Weapons
Weapon Types ‣ Projectile Weapons ‣ Flaks
Fire-Starting Weapons
Kill Weapons
Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon Mk. I

Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon Mk. I
Gun Statistics
Class: Flak
Direct Damage per shot: 115 Explosive
Burst Damage per shot: 50 Explosive
Direct Damage per magazine: 460 Explosive
Burst Damage per magazine: 200 Explosive
Burst Radius: 7 meters
Arming Time: 0.666667 seconds
Arming Range: 200 meters
Effective Vs: Hull
Rate of Fire: 2 shots/s
Delay between shots: 0.5 seconds
Unload Time: 1.5 seconds
Reload Time: 4 seconds
Magazine Capacity: 4
Projectile Speed: 300 m/s
Range: 1680 meters
Shell Drop: 6 m/s²
Jitter: 0 deg
Size: Heavy
Movement and Arcs
Horizontal Angles: 40 deg Left; 40 deg Right
Vertical Angles: 30 deg Up; 40 deg Down
Horizontal Turn: 30 deg/s
Vertical Turn: 20 deg/s
Zoom Level: 2.5x
Additional Info
  • 25% chance to apply 3 fire stacks on direct hit
  • 12.5% chance to apply 1 fire stack on AoE hit
A medium/long-range cannon that fires explosive projectiles dealing substantial damage with a wide area of effect. Arming time of 1.25 seconds, no AoE under 300m.

Wilson's Notes

The Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon Mk. I is a large, double-barreled artillery flak type weapon. It fires extremely powerful, slow, accurate, and long-range explosive shots that wreak havoc on targets. Combined use with the Mercury Field Gun or Hades Light Cannon causes a hail of unrequited permanent damage from afar. This weapon has an arming time, after which the projectile will 'arm' and inflict the additional Explosive damage. If the projectile hits before the arming time has been reached, it will only deal the Direct Explosive damage.

Common Tactics

The Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon Mk. I is a powerhouse gun. With its massive explosive damage directed to an exposed hull it will literally wreck ships. One direct hit to the hull causes 231 damage while armed, and 161 damage while unarmed.

This heavy hull shredding gun is reliant on Piercing support (or armor stripping weapons) to bring the armor down. It is almost exclusively found on a Spire and Galleon so as to bring support guns (like Mercury, Hades or a Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun) for reaching a quicker armor drop. A Lumberjack Heavy Mortar usually complements the long range setup on a Galleon. It is additionally used on the Shrike to quickly strip a ship's armor with a Gatling Gun, then landing a few shots of the Heavy Flak before speeding away. Timing the huge damage burst when the armor breaks is essential for using this gun to its full effectiveness.

The Flak's effectiveness is not only limited by the gunner's skills but it also needs an armor break. Destroying or avoiding hull stripping guns will render this gun relatively useless. Slow projectile speed, necessary timing and shell drop makes the Flak an advanced gun, only for experienced gunners.

Even though the Flak Mk. I has an arming range, it inflicts most of its damage on direct hit (70% on direct hit, 30% on an indirect / Area of Effect hit). Therefore, it is generally advised to maximize damage per clip (DPC) and not to worry about using ammunition that result in reduced arming time.

Commonly Used Ammunition

Lesmok Rounds

  • Useful to hit fast moving ships at range (e.g. Squid) .
  • Clip size decreased to 3, only 75% damage of the Normal Clip.
  • Projectile speed increased to 510 m/s.
  • Arming range increased to 340 meters.

Greased Rounds

  • Useful against ships with rapid armor rebuilds.
  • High DPS.
  • Clip size increased to 5.
  • Arming range reduced to 160 meters.

Charged Rounds

  • Higher projectile speed making it easier to hit moving targets.
  • High burst DPS.
  • Clip size decreased to 3.
  • Arming range increased to 360 meters.

Update History

1.4.5 New Balance Changes "When Ambush Comes To Shove" - March 26 - 2016

Significant changes were made to the concept of the Heavy Flak, later this variant will be renamed as Heavy Flak Mk. I. when original 2 shot variant will be reintroduced in 1.4.11.

  • Damage moved to direct hit for a 70/30% split between direct and AoE (from 45/55%)
  • Higher clip capacity to 4 (from 2)
  • Damage per shot reduced (115/50 explosive, from 150/180 explosive)
  • Increased RoF of 2 shots/s (from 0.8)
  • Reduced reload time of 4.5s (from 5)
  • Reduced camera shake

Balance Update - February 23 - 2020

Side arcs: 40 (from 30)

21.05.2021 update

  • Velocity: 300m/s (from 240)
  • Arming range: 200m (from 300)
  • Reload time: 4s (from 4.5)
Guns of Icarus Online Wikia Content
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Weapon Types
Particle Weapons‎
Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower
Projectile Weapons‎
Echidna Light Flak CannonTyphon Heavy Flak CannonTyphon Heavy Flak Cannon Mk. II
Scylla Double-Barreled MortarLumberjack Heavy Mortar
Rocket Launchers
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Beacon Flare GunHades Light CannonJavelin Light Harpoon GunMercury Field GunPhobos Mine Launcher

Raycast Weapons‎
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Aten Laser Mk. SWhirlwind Light Gatling GunMinotaur Heavy Cannon

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