Factions ‣ Yesha Empire
The Yesha Empire is a society inspired by oriental culture and society. It is possibly the oldest civilization in the region.
Discord, disorder, and disarray have taken hold of the land for far too long. People wander in the wastelands without hope, without purpose. A life without meaning is unimaginable to those who live within the borders of the Yesha Empire. An aimless soul can once again find determination in one of the Empire’s great western cities, adorned with gardens of alabaster columns and surrounded by great stone walls. Whether standing guard at a palace, minding tables at a restaurant, or fighting fiercely on the battlefront, a Yeshan can lead a fulfilled life by following their ordained path.
Yeshan cities are well known. The Empire has a penchant for turning small settlements into grand urban centers bustling with markets and nightlife. This is only possible with the unyielding determination and dedication of Yeshan citizens who travel to these future city sites as master planners, builders, and evangelists of the Yeshan way. Dirt paths passing between mud-brick abodes are transformed into stonemason-built roads lined with basilicas and amphitheaters glazed with mica. With each new metropolis, the Yeshan’s hold expands beyond the Western Reach.
Many aspects of Yeshan life are already decided upon when one becomes a citizen. Clothing, a dwelling, work, and three square meals are provided upon attaining citizenship. Infants and young children are looked after and sent to school while their parents fulfill their duties to the mighty Triumvirate: the Ox, Tiger, and Deer. There is little time to dawdle and even less tolerance for laziness. Each citizen proves their worth with their contributions to society and their ability to fill the lifelong mold they have been given.
Seeing the desperation that surrounds their borders, the Yesha Empire strives to utilize righteousness and structure to tame the unending turmoil—to give form to those without it and shape them into dignified people. Few can ignore the glory of Yeshan cities and the prosperity they create. Some say it’s only a matter of time until the well-oiled designs of the Yesha Empire arrive at your doorstep.
The Yesha Empire has developed several of the known ships, including the Galleon, Judgement and Pyramidion.
King of the Flayed Hills takes place within its borders. Its chief export is raw iron. Its navy is one of the strongest in the known world and its shipyards are second to none.
"There is only one way of life..." 50th Consulate, 267 AB